Thursday 11 April 2013


Been over a year since my last update on this Blog. Mostly my excuses are due to time/internet constraint when the real issue is struggling with the motivation to keep up on updating base on deadline basis. Self imposed deadline? I don't think so and I would prefer to think of it as PEER PRESSURE. The Bloggers Peer. ^^ Though it is not a Life/Death pressure, so I opted for the choice of NOT updating until "I feel like it". 

I personally find it funny how Peer Pressure exists in the NET as much as in REAL life. I have only discovered that all the "emotions" that I have been through & I have been dealing with in this last 4 years when administrating a few political blogs/ facebook pages, had to do with "peer pressure". Consciously I had to constantly working on separating my identity on the NET with who I really am in REAL life every time when the "pressure" gets to my nerve. Mostly pressure from comments or statements that are meant to attack me directly (sometimes death threats) as an individual, instead of directing it to the Organizations or Groups that I am administrating on behalf.   

Believe it or not, this is the list of Emotional & Mental Skills that I have acquired along my journey in writing/ administrate political blogs/facebook pages.

  1. Know Your Limits and Have Respect for Yourself
  2. Remember the Consequences of Your Actions
  3. Stay Around and Socialize with a Good Group of Friends
  4. Build a Strong Sense of Self Confidence and Self Esteem

Last but not least, you may GOOGLE your way to Find Out Ways to Deal with Peer Pressure ^^. That's what GOOGLE does ain't it? Tells you what you wanna know ! That's all for now ! Peace ! Go Green ! 

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