Wednesday 22 June 2011


^_^ Been reading lots & lots & lotsa Blogie's tweets & fb about the SEA.
AND "just so happened" that ASEANBLOGGERS are all living in the SEA (South Eeat Asia).
SO "just a thought" to write something ...about the SEA... what many may have already known... yet...
...not knowning where the SEA is ??? ^^ sound strange...? hahaha - gotcha - lets get CLEVER and lets talk about bizzzzzzzzz nest (BUSINESS) ...

Blue SEA(Market/ Product)
Red SEA (Market/ Product)
Not Yet in Existence / Explored

Demand is created

Boundaries - defined/ accepted
Competition irrelevant

Rules of Game to be set

Rules of Games are known
Wider, deeper potential of market space

Potential of Market Space - Restricted/ Set
Ample opportunity for growth

Products become commodities or niche,
Profitable and rapid

Cutthroat competition turns the ocean bloody

Seen the above before ???
What has that got to do with me, you may be thinking. hmmmm, let's see.
Whatever you may be working on right now, does the points below applicable/ helpful to you?

Builds on the concept of
·      Being able to INCREASE VALUE while
·      REDUCING COSTS at the same time

Will it makes sense if relate the above concept with the below?

You CAN achieve this when you grasp the above concept
Ø  LOWER the production COSTS by,
Ø reducing the INPUTS used.
Ø  BY NOT TAKING the STRUCTURE of the operating environment AS a given,
Ø  a company may generate ADDITIONAL REVENUES from 
Ø  BETTER products and
Ø  TAKING a RECONSTRUCTIONIST approach to strategy

THE END - HEAL THE WORLD, make it a BETTER place, for you & for me & the entire human race ^^ 

Wednesday 1 June 2011

ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Caucus meeting MANILA, Philippines

^_^  ASEAN is not SMALL 
Head of Delegations from ASEAN May, June, 2011

...nearly 600 million pepole. Both in term of population and area bigger than Europe.
In term of natural disaster problems far greater than Europe. The concerns of Europe are equally felt by leaders of ASEAN, but we are less developed in every sector as compare to Europe.

Combating Drug Menace Meeting in Cambodia May, 2011

Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar - made his mark in AIPA circut. one of his comments, "It is a window through which each of us here try to contribute for the wellbeing not only Malaysian but ASEAN citizen as the whole. If European can so can we in Asia. We have to show the world that we can take care of our own affairs." 

Just finished bilayeral meeting with Indonesian delegation, the issues raised,

1. Mechanism for interaction between Parliament of Indonesia & Indonesia. Suggested the formation of Malaysia/Indonesia Caucus so the members could react as and when some issues arised between the two countries,

2. The MoU signed by the two govts of Malaysia/Indonesia on foreign workers particularly house maids. Seeking for monitoring mechanism on its implementation and effectiveness, and
With Speaker Feliciano Belmonte
3. The question of school for foreign workers children. Establishment and recognition of the products. Both parties agreed to bring the matters in 2 & 3 to their respective government for clarification and where necessary for action. As for the formation of Malaysia/ Indonesia Parliamentary caucus both agreed to bring to their Parliament for action and formation.