Monday 25 April 2011

Testing the posting - ^_^

25 April, 2011, i arrived Kuching Airport at approximately 4:00pm. My close friend Liya picked me up from the airport. As i entered her car, my mind was "very occupied" randomly by my "collection of snap shots" i have gathered in my memory bank through out my trip to KL since 22nd April (Friday), - That's the day i took off from Kuching Airport on MH xxx, together with the other Kuching delegates heading for the 1st ASEAN Blogger Conference.

Liya & i reached my house around 4:30pm. i unlocked the gate & left the lock "unlocked" which is "very unusual" cos locking it behind me is supposed to be my habit. ^_^. Following that OF COURSE i opened the main door & locked it right after i entered my house & this is very "usual". ^_^ .

i dropped off my luggage, sorted out few things from my hand bag & went out again. i shut & locked the main door behind me rushing out to get some errants done. i wanted to avoid the after office hours traffic. As i turned to my gate, i was alerted by the "unlocked" lock. Immediately i realized i left my main door key in the house. Thank God i have my car key in my hand & thank God my sister has safe kept a spare key to my house. ^_^  (rocket science says go figure what happen after that ^^)

anyway - i am not able just yet to get the snap shots i have collected from the Conference in my mind to settle down. i can't get them out of my mind either. & that's the reason why i created this blog, hoping that my mind would somehow slowly paving its way to the "album" in this blog & place the snap shots at places where it feels comfortable. Not fading from the memory but, collections of snap shots to be documented, one day - i hope that it will still be around - somewhere... ^^ 

i am not sure if the rest of the ASEAN team or any of them feel the way i do, the way i am feeling about the whole event & towards everyone that i met throughout the event, both participants & organizers. For every second that has passed, the memories from the event is turning into a very significant part of "re-shaping" my past & then altering "some" courses in my life. How much is "some" i don't know, but some.  ^_^  and it is a good "some", for sure ^^